A token of love and appreciation when offered to the work some did and served, phrased as achievements, we at Yes Germany provide our quality service to get the students of india get admitted to top German Universities, and do you know what motivates us to maintain the quality of our services, and become better with each step we take, none other than the happy service takers which includes from normal individuals to the universities to school not only in India but in Germany as well, Yes Germany along with providing our quality service in getting the students admitted to one of the best German universities, we also involve in providing and helping the students and people to the best possible by us. We have direct contact with German professors whom we invite to India to conduct seminars and lectures in number of Indian schools and make the students aware about lesser known highly efficient opportunities.
We have successfully admitted 1100 students in German top universities, where technically our job ends, but we completely understand the need of students landed onto new place, and stay in touch with them when they are in need of us.

We have received number of appreciations and token of love from number of reputed universities and colleges, Prof.Dr. H Regg from German university appreciated for our services, Dr.Abhishek Kumar prof. at German universities appreciated Yes Germany services for accommodating their students safely and efficiently to places in Germany. The Rising NGO India also appreciated for our overwhelming attempt in social services for joining hands with them.
Universities and colleges of India and Germany appreciated the esteemed presence of the CEO of Yes Germany Dr.Ing Gagan Syal for showing up by the invitation by the Chandigarh University, Chandigarh Group of Colleges, also our German professor Mr. Stefan Zammit Head of International Affair at PFH German university too been appreciated for their presence at Chandigarh University, Prof. Dr.Peggy Repenning PFH University of Gottingen Germany been appreciated for giving their valuable presence in Chandigarh University. Yes Germany also been appreciated for being the sponsor for EDU Champ by Manav Rachna .
Apart from all the professional appreciations Yes Germany also rescued the Indian students who got stuck in Germany during the Pandemic COVID-19. We didn’t only rescue our students but also rose our helping hand to other students as well who reached out to us for help. Deeds of humanity as a priority.
Just a glimpse, there are many more to come on our way and we are evermore happy to be at your service!