Health facilities
Foreign students in Germany are required by law to have some form of healthcare cover. If you are planning to study abroad, then chances are you have come across the requirement of health insurance. Like many countries abroad, Health Insurance is mandatory for students planning to study in Germany. This is applicable to one and all. With no such norm in India, students are often left wondering what this is about and how to go about it. Here’s a brief introduction to the same.
Health Insurance
Speaking plainly, healthcare is very expensive abroad. As students would be staying in Germany for a period extending from 2 to 4 years, it becomes necessary for them to be insured for any ailment. With that in mind, Health Insurance is a mandatory requirement for students studying in the country. Also, while the students enrol in a short term program/ language programs are not required to have health insurance as a rule, insurance as such never hurts and would be a good idea.
While European Union Health Cards are valid, for international students outside of the EU, there are two broad options available – Public/ Private Health Insurance from Germany or Private Insurance from their Home Country.
Public Health Insurance from Germany
Germany as a country requires mandatory health cover to all falling under the fixed income slab of €50,000 per annum. This Public Insurance has tied up with various agencies to provide highly subsidized Student Health Cover to International Students as well. On an average, a Public Health Insurance costs you about €80 per month.
The public health insurance for students covers all aspects of health care for a student that can be foreseen. Also, the cost mentioned above is valid till about the student reaches an age of 30 or completes the 14th Semester at the University. Beyond that, the cost per month doubles to about €160 per month.
Private Insurance from Germany
There are many private providers as well and students have an option of taking up these policies as well. While some universities might insist on the Public Health Insurance, many others might accept private insurance as well. The students are, however, advised to carefully go through the cover provided. Often there is a minimum level of insurance which is required and it is always better to check that with the University.
Private Insurance from Home Country
A lot of private insurances offered in India are recognized in Germany across different divisions of health care. These are much cheaper as well and offer a whole lot of benefits and ease to the students. In case a student is opting for this path, it is important to let the university know of it well in advance.
Insurance from Germany vs Home Country
Needless to say, buying insurance from India is hassle free and the insurance providers clearly specify the range of services covered in the same. However, if given a choice, the students are recommended to opt for Public Insurance. A subsidized rate, the public health insurance promises widest cover and is recognized not only in Germany but also across the European Union. This might not be the case for the health insurance policy bought in the home country.
Where to get it from?
Students can always select for the University’s international office to provide the number of the health insurance provider. Once they arrive in Germany, students are required to contact a German health insurance provider and have them issue a letter certifying that they are insured. This is mandatory for the students’ admission. Students can also get in touch with DAAD in India or reach out to the student councils (Studentenwerk) of the university they are planning to enrol in. (There is usually one for a region.)These organizations have special packages that include accommodation in student halls of residence, meal tickets as well as health insurance coverage.