Part/Full time Jobs

Part / Full time Jobs

There are many considerations that affect a student’s decision to choose a country. While some look for top colleges, some look for extensive programs and research options and many look for post-study work options in the country. Some do it for earning a little extra on the side to enjoy their stay, some for having something better to do and some others to get a start to their professional careers. Whatever be the reason, part-time study options are a great factor in the decision-making process. So what is the verdict on Germany?

Before we explore the same in some depth, we must mention that there are two aspects to part-time work. One being the eligibility and laws relevant to part-time work options for international students and second would be the more obvious – the choices available. Let’s look at them individually.

Laws for Student Part-time jobs

As an international student, you are allowed to take up part-time employment along with your studies while in Germany. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind though.

  • You can work for a total of 120 full or 240 half days in a year as a student. This, however, might vary from high employment regions to low employment regions. Simply put, if your university is in a place which is in a city which has high unemployment rates, or requires more manpower, you might just get a work permit of more than 120 days.
  • Usually, as per university norms, a student would not be allowed to work for more than 20 hours in a week during term. Students, however, can take up full-time employment during vacations.
  • A work permit from the “Agentur für Arbeit” (Federal Employment Agency) and the foreigners’ authority is required. The permit would have details of the maximum limit of work a student can take up.  
  • If you are enrolled in a preparatory course or a language course, the regulations are tighter. As such, you are allowed only to work during the lecture-free periods and only with explicit permission to do so from the foreign authority.
  • Taxation is another concern. A student earning less than 450 euros a month need not pay any taxes/ social security contribution. Also, if you work for less than 50 continuous days over a period of one year, you are exempt as well.
  • Working for more than 20 hours a week is generally not advised. Not only is it against most university rules, working more than this limit would require you to pay health insurance, unemployment as well as nursing care insurance.
  • Compliance with the Federal Laws is extremely important. If you are found to be flouting them, you can find yourself being expelled from the country. So, keep the checks in place, conform to the rules and have your permit in place.
  • When it comes to working within the University, though, the working hours and wages are completed differently. In fact, they are far better and you can work for long hours as well. Getting a job in the University, however, might not be as easy.

Kinds of Jobs

Teaching / Graduate/ Research Assistants at the University

Typically, the job of teaching/ graduate assistants are open to research scholars and pay decent enough money. These jobs include assisting the professor with marking copies, giving tutorials or preparing research literature, as supervisors, as librarians, etc. On a hierarchy of the kinds of jobs available, these are at the top of the line. You have to be really good and apply early to get one. These jobs are well advertised on the university notice boards and you can find about them with the department you are part of.

As support staff/ waiters at café’s, bars, etc.

Waiting or catering assignments are often the most famous jobs among kids. Many students opt for this for more reasons than the money. While the pay may not be more or even basic, it gives the student a great opportunity to explore the city, meet new people and simply unwind after the day at the university. Not to forget, the tips are good too.

English Tutors

Another lucrative job opportunity for international students is teaching English to German Students. There are often private tuitions and it is a decent payout. You have to be proficient in the language though and for Indian students, this might not be so forthcoming! A student from the UK, for instance, would be more eligible.

Industrial Production Assistants

These are well-paying jobs and are a good option for students looking for some experience and a more relevant employment option after the studies. With Germany giving you a 1-year post-study work permit with your student visas, finding these jobs could be the precursor to a career in Germany. A student can find these jobs in the local newspapers.

How much do they pay?

Coming to the most important aspect now…the earnings you can expect from these part-time jobs. A student, on average, earns anywhere between 5 to 15 euros an hour and roughly around 450 euros a month. Usually, the wages are higher in big cities but the cost of living in those cities is also on the higher side. This is average pay at which a student need not pay any taxes. A research assistant, however, would earn more than that and would be exempt as well. Computing that, somewhere around 8354 euros is the standard limit of one-year earnings that do not attract taxation or issuance of social security.

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